Sunday, October 30, 2022

Even more feckin birds

Zip-tied my old GoPro to the shepherd's hook holding up the bird feeder, which allowed me to click pictures from my couch via bluetooth.

It was a cloudy day, so the shutter speed was slow, resulting in some blur for these fast-moving subjects. Also, there's a half-second lag 'twixt me clicking the screen button and the actual "click."

However, I think this technique going to bear fruit in coming sessions, because I can get some outrageous closeups. The birds don't seem to notice the little camera box six inches away.
About as close a look at our red-headed woodpecker as you'll ever get.
This guy doesn't spend a lot of time at the feeder; I think he's too 
heavy and can't get a firm grip on the perch.
A black-capped chickadee enjoys a seed. Once I get the hang of the 
GoPro for this application, I suspect I'll get better shots.


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